Random Post - Event Brainstorm

Pool parties seem to be the scene nowadays. But for a pool party to really kick off it usually has to include either one of two things:

  1. A beautiful view
  2. A beautiful house
But regardless, I feel like it would be lucrative. After making budget checks and bringing on sponsors, the event would be in reach. Properties in the Hollywood Hills are perfect locations. It is a perfect distance from our market, because although were dealing with mostly college students, it is summer. Distances seem shorter when you have less to do.

Presales would be the main way that we would sell tickets. This is because we don't want a lot of commotion in the middle of the Hollywood Hills. There are a lot of winding narrow roads up that are perfect for traffic jams. To make a smooth entrance into the party, we would need to think of a way to make everyone either walk up the hill, or for cars to drop and keep it pushing. 

Expenses would be:
  • Rental of the venue
  • Drinks
  • Employees
  • Sound
  • Lights (optional)
Without paying employees (we will pay them after the event), we should spend no more then $1000. this is because we should be able to get everthing at a pretty good price. 
